Wednesday, September 22, 2010

This Is Of Vital Importance.

When I wake up in the morning, I think about one thing.
When I get to work, I think about one thing.
Before going to bed every night, I think about one thing.

Tea Time.

At 9:30 everyday at KHI, Lau and I saunter down to tea. This is the subject of my affection, and consequently the subject of my blog.

By 9:30 I am always hungry (having not eaten yet in the day), and ready for the usual arrangement of food.
At tea, there is the following:
*Tea (bagged or africa)
*Hard boiled eggs
*Samboussas (samosas)
*Meat balls
*Amandazi (deep fried bread/cake thing)

I generally go for the samboussas, and Lau has recently introduced me to the egg & chipatti combo, which I think will work itself into the rotation. And of course, African Tea every time.

Getting food is an art in and of itself, and can be an ordeal if you are not in the know. Food goes fast, and politeness is not a virtue honored at tea. You get to the front, you start telling Eric what you want to eat whether he is listening to you or not, whether you are next or not, and hold your money out to show you mean business.

Once this is accomplished, the day is automatically a great one. We sit, we sip, we munch, we chat. It's a place where your stresses are left at the door (by that I mean tent flap). Tea is a place where no matter how much work I have to do, when I go to tea, I am on Africa Time (meaning everything slows). Tea is the place to meet different people, learn Kinyarwanda, catch up, and talk about how great Tea is. Because, man is it.


  1. i miss are an amazing writer. my heart aches. haha now i'm imagining you saying "miss me much?" and "stop whining!"

  2. you just like it because its about food. tuba much? jealous much? worried much????

  3. When I moved back to Canada, I thought about one thing.
